Wednesday 11 May 2011

Background of the CBA (The Council British Archaeology)

The CBA, also known as The Council for British Archaeology are slowly loosing their core funding income. This will keep decreasing annually until 2015/16 when the funds will have been fully with drawled. It is because of this they are looking at maximizing their income from individuals through donations and memberships. This can only be achieved if more people know who the CBA are and understand the importance of what they do.

The CBA was first founded in 1944 and has played a key role in promoting, supporting, facilitating and disseminating research in British archaeology. As an educational charity they strive to:

  1. Advance the study and practice of archaeology
  2. Promote the education of the public in archaeology
  3. Conduct and communicate the results of relevant research
  4. Advance public understanding and care of the historic environment.

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